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Macy Decoración y más

Tinting system Macy: advantages to consider

Offering our customers the best service is a top priority at MACY. For that reason, our tinting system is available for them in our facilities. 

MACY’s tinting system involves a scheme of elements which allows producing any color –from a wide range of them- on the spot, with different paints and finishes (emulsions, enamels, coatings, etc.). You will get the chosen color in situ andimmediatelyat our facilities. Furthermore, we ensure absolute accuracy in the production of the same colors.

Some of the most significant advantages of having a tinting system at our facilities involve offering our customers thousands of colors instantly, space optimization, reduction of stocks and increase of efficiency and quality.

At PINTURAS MACY we put at our customers’ disposal cutting-edge dispensers to reproduce the same colors at will.

If you think our color chart is limited and repetitive, you are wrong! Our Color Lab develops continuous research to track and analyze the last trends. As a result of that work, new elements are being continuously incorporated to our tinting system to provide our customers with new and original collections of colors and products.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Aviso Legal · Configuración de Cookies Diseño y programación: Grupo Enuno